MUDL:Every zone reset

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This MUDL function gets called for each room in an area/zone when it is reset. Then it is called on the area.

Command Syntax

addproc room mudl
setproc room ## every_zone_reset

addproc area mudl
setproc area ## every_zone_reset

Global Variables

The following global variables are available:

Name Type Description
 %room Room The room in the game where the script is being run. This value may be null if the script is attached to an area.
 %area Area The area (zone) in the game where the script is being run.
 %parent Room or Area The in-game element that the MUDL script is attached to. It will be identical to one of %room or %area.
 %procedure_index Integer The index of the current MUDL procedure on the %parent variable.

Return Values

The return value from this function is ignored.

Triggered Scripts

Zone resets trigger events in the following order:

  1. Zone commands are executed on the rooms in the area.
  2. Every_zone_reset scripts are triggered for each room.
  3. Every_zone_reset scripts are triggered on the area.


addproc room mudl
setproc room 0 every_zone_reset

msg_room(%r, 'ZONE RESET!')

setproc room 0 PROC_ENABLED 1