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Welcome to SlothMUD, a text-based online Multi-User Dungeon based on DikuMUD. This free game is enjoyed continuously by players worldwide. With over 23,500 uniquely described rooms, 8,300 distinct creatures, 12,200 characters and 7,100 pieces of equipment, charms, trinkets and other items, our online RPG world is absolutely enormous and ready to explore.

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SlothMUD allows players to purchase housing rooms that can be customized and used to store items. This guide lists in detail the steps required for players to build their customized houses.

Purchasing the First Room

Purchase a Hovel Object

A housing developer can be found on most continents:

Continent Developer Location Run from Recall to Neighborhood
Thordfalan Kaya Bal Harbor, Inside Treasures and Dreams Square, then West of Lord Moonglum w2n2e5nw8n2e
Thule Briar Aisholm nes
Niebelung The Tent-Maker Ravenloft in Barovia 7en
The Island Norman Bates Thalassas in the Guild of Merchants se
Lyme Magistrate Kao-Yao Ch'ung Kuo ws2wsw

Each developer will sell a hovel object for 10,000,000 coins. Once you purchase the hovel object, the developer will teleport you to the local neighborhood where the house can be built.

Find a Suitable Building Spot

Once you are in the neighborhood, use the survey command to locate an ideal spot to turn your hovel into a full-sized house. You may need to walk the various streets inside the neighborhood as sites near the entrance tend to fill up first.

Build and Enter the House

Once you've found a location, build your house using the command BUILD HOVEL <direction> <door name>. This will turn the hovel object into your house in the specified direction. You are required to specify atleast one name for the door and may provide multiple names separated by spaces. If this is your first house, you will be provided a key for the front door. Unlock the door and enter your new house!

Customize the New House

Various elements of the house can be set using the HOUSE SET command. These include:

Command Description
HOUSE SET NAME <name> Provides a custom name for the room. You should set different names when purchasing additional rooms to that you can tell them apart in some of the game screens.
HOUSE SET DESCRIPTION Allows you to type a multi-line description for the room.
HOUSE SET EXTRADESCRIPTION <keyword> Allows you to type a multi-line description for the specified keyword. So if players LOOK YOUR-KEYWORD, they will see the description.
HOUSE DELETE EXTRADESCRIPTION <keyword|all> Deletes the specified extra description or all of them if specified.
HOUSE SET SECTOR Allows you to change the terrain type of your house. Valid sector types can be found in HELP SECTOR.
HOUSE SET <message name> <message> Sets a message for one of the house upgrade modules. See the sections on the various modules below.

Using the Vault

Each room in your house comes with a vault that can be used to store items. These items are kept in a protected space and will persist through game reboots. The following vault commands are available inside the house:

Command Description
OPEN VAULT <combination>
UNLOCK VAULT <combination>
Attempts to open the vault. If this is the first time you are opening the vault, the combination is not required.
Closes and locks the vault. If this is the first time you are closing the vault you are required to provide a new combination for the vault. The combination can be letters or numbers and must be six characters or longer.
LIST Displays the contents of the vault.
DEPOSIT <keyword>... Deposits one or more items in the vault. The specified keyword may be a single keyword, all.keyword, or all. Multiple keywords can be specified to deposit multiple items. DEPOSIT ALL.RING BLUE would attempt to deposit all rings in inventory and then it would attempt to deposit the first blue item.
WITHDRAW <keyword|index number>... Retrieves one or more items from the vault. The specified keyword may be a single keyword, all.keyword. or all. Or the index number in the vault can be specified instead. Multiple keywords and index numbers can be specified to withdraw multiple items from the vault in a single command.
HOUSE BUY VAULT Adds one additional vault slot.
HOUSE SET COMBINATION <combination> Sets a new combination for the vault. Can only be done if the vault is already open.

Make sure you OPEN VAULT and then CLOSE VAULT to set the initial combination.

Purchasing Enhancements

Enhancements to the room can also be purchased via the HOUSE BUY command.

Command Description
HOUSE LIST Shows the current status of enhancements and upgrades.
HOUSE BUY VAULT Adds one additional slot in the vault.
HOUSE BUY HIT Adds one to the hit-point regeneration for people in the room.
HOUSE BUY MANA Adds one to the mana-point regeneration for people in the room.
HOUSE BUY MOVEMENT Adds one to the movement-point regeneration for people in the room.
HOUSE BUY KEY Provides an additional key that can be given to other characters.
HOUSE BUY ROOM <direction> [door name] Purchases an additional room in the specified direction. A door name may be provided. If the door name is provided a non-locking door will be placed between the two rooms. The new room will need to be customized and the vault combination set just as was done when the original room was purchased.

Purchasing Upgrades

Upgrades can also be purchased that add new features to the house. The list of available upgrades can be viewed with the HOUSE LIST command.

Say Recall Upgrade

The Say Recall upgrade allows players in the room to return to the recall spot on the continent by issuing the command SAY RECALL. This upgrade can be purchased via the command HOUSE UPGRADE RECALL. Messages can be customized so that players in the house and at the recall spot see something unique when a player uses this function. These messages can be customized via the command HOUSE SET <message name> <message>. The following messages may be customized:

Message Name Description
SayRecallActorDepartureMessage Message seen by the player when they leave the house.
SayRecallRoomDepartureMessage Message seen by others in the house when the player leaves.
SayRecallActorArrivalMessage Message seen by the player when they arrive at the recall spot.
SayRecallRoomArrivalMessage Message seen by others at the recall spot when the player arrives.

Messages may contain special escape codes to display the player name or other text depending on the player's characteristics. These include:

Escape Code Description
$n Player's name.
$e "He" or "She" depending on the player's gender.
$m "Him" or "Her" depending on the player's gender.
$s "His" or "Her" depending on the player's gender.

Keyless Access Upgrade

The Keyless Access Upgrade allows players to enter the vault from outside without the need for a key. This is useful in situations where the player has been killed and removes the need to purchase extra keys for other players. This upgrade can be purchased via the command HOUSE UPGRADE KEYLESS <keyphrase>. The keyphrase can be one or more words separated by spaces. When a player issues the keyphrase from outside the vault, they are teleported inside if they are on the list of permitted players. Any player can issue the keyphrase inside the vault to be teleported outside. The following commands can be used to customize the Keyless Access Upgrade:

Command Description
HOUSE PERMIT <player> Allows the player to use keyless access to enter the house.
HOUSE REVOKE <player> Revokes access to the house for a player who currently has access.
HOUSE SET KEYPHRASE <keyphrase> Sets a new keyphrase for entering and leaving the house.

In addition, messages can be customized so that players inside and ouside the house see something unique when a player uses this function. These messages can be customized via the command HOUSE SET <message name> <message>. The following messages may be customized:

Message Name Description
KeylessActorOutdoorDepartureMessage Message seen by the player when they leave the outdoor room.
KeylessRoomOutdoorDepartureMessage Message seen by others outside the house when the player leaves.
KeylessActorIndoorArrivalMessage Message seen by the player when they arrive inside the house.
KeylessRoomIndoorArrivalMessage Message seen by others inside the house when the player arrives.
KeylessActorIndoorDepartureMessage Message seen by the player when they leave the house.
KeylessRoomIndoorDepartureMessage Message seen by others inside the house when the player leaves.
KeylessActorOutdoorArrivalMessage Message seen by the player when they arrive outside.
KeylessRoomOutdoorArrivalMessage Message seen by others outside the house when the player arrives.

These messages may contain the special escape codes listed in the Say Recall Module section to display the player name or other text depending on the player's characteristics.