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This guide explains what happens when your character dies.

When Death Occurs

Death occurs when your character falls below -10 hit points. Usually this happens because you've chosen a mobile to fight that is more powerful that your character. It can also happen as a result of poison or traps or some other cause of damage. If your character stays between -1 and -10 hit points it can still be healed using normal spells. Once you fall below -10 hit points, things become more difficult.

Dead characters remain that way for a short amount of time. During this time the character can not do much of anything other than wait for someone to raise them from the dead or until time expires and they are disincarnated.

Raising from the Dead

There are a few options for raising a character from the dead. These options can only be performed a short-time after the player is killed. If too much time has past, the player will disincarnate and will be returned to the menu screen.

Raise Dead Spell

The cleric spell raise dead is the most common way of raising a character from the dead. It requires the victim to make a system shock saving throw in order to survive. If the saving throw is made, the character is brought back to life. If not, the character is instantly disincarnated.

It is possible to find wands or charms of this spell so that characters without the spell can still attempt to raise another character from the dead.

Sacrificial Lamb

The Sacrificial Lamb item will also bring someone back to life. Use the item on the dead character and it will kill the lamb in place of the character. This is extremely useful in no-magic or peace rooms where spells can not be cast.

Quit! Command

Players can use the quit! command to immediately disincarnate and return to the menu street.

When Disincarnation Occurs

When the character is disincarnated, a corpse is created with all of the players items and gold. The player is returned to the main menu screen. When they re-enter the game they will have only 1 hit point. They also will lose experience points and possibly a level.

New Player Graveyard

New players (No higher than levels 15/10/5/1/1/1/1/0) experience a different disincarnation process. Their characters are placed in a special graveyard with all of their items. The player must navigate their way to a special altar and pray at this altar. Once this happens the player is returned to the game at the recall location with their items, gold, and experience intact.

= Other Notes

  • The speak with dead spell can be used to talk to dead players.
  • Dead players can be pushed through portals to safer places.